
Number Of Dementia Cases To Rise Drastically

The number of people afflicted with the Alzheimer's disease is expected to rise due to changing lifestyles, greater longevity and the population explosion in developing nations.

The number of people afflicted with the Alzheimer's disease is expected to rise due to changing lifestyles, greater longevity and the population explosion in developing nations. As of 2005, 24 million people suffer from dementia which is connected to cardiovascular disease, and old age, and by the year 2020, this figure is expected to rise to 42 million, and to 81 million by the year 2040.

South Asia and China will account for largest increases. China alone accounts for five million dementia cases, while Western Europe accounts for another 4.8 million. By the year 2040, China is expected to account for as many people suffering from dementia as the entire developed world. This has been revealed by experts belonging to the King's College London’s Institute of Psychiatry.

The governments should pay attention to countering high cholesterol levels, type-2 diabetes, and smoking which contribute towards cardiovascular problems. Each year, as many as 4.6 million new cases of dementia are being reported. Many cases of dementia are going unreported, resulting in these cases not receiving any treatment.

New research has to be initiated with regard to treating the affliction, as a dramatic growth in the number of dementia cases is capable of overwhelming the health care system of a country. The Alzheimer's disease is believed to be caused by the amyloid beta protein plaques building up within the brain. The mental functions can be preserved through adopting a healthy lifestyle which involves both physical and mental activity.









