A nurse-in protest at Target stores across US was staged by breastfeeding mothers to support a Texas woman who said she was ridiculed

According to MyFOXhouston, about 50 nursing mothers showed up to protest at the Webster, Texas, Target store where Hickman said she was harassed last month, Fox News reported.
Hickman told the station she was Christmas shopping when she realized her infant needed to be fed.
She said she found a remote area of the store in the ladies clothing department, took a seat on the ground, and began to breast feed her "hungry baby with a blanket completely covering him."
Hickman claimed that two female employees approached her and asked her to move to a fitting room, according to the website.
One of the employees allegedly commented "you can get a ticket and be reported for indecent exposure."
Meanwhile Target has sent a written statement to the Los Angeles Times saying, "Guests who choose to breastfeed in public areas of the store are welcome to do so without being made to feel uncomfortable. Additionally, we support the use of fitting rooms for women who wish to breastfeed their babies, even if others are waiting to use the fitting rooms."