
Obesity Surgery May Not Work All The Time

According to a latest research findings published in the Food Technology journal, using bariatric operations to control obesity may not be successful all the time.

Operations performed on patients who must lose weight rapidly in order to survive can certainly save lives. But poor patient selection and incompletely studied complications and results may fail to clearly draw conclusions about the efficacy and safety of these procedures, reports the investigators.

With a decade of bariatric surgery performed on obese teens and adults, data suggest that a significant number of patients fail to sustain clinically meaningful weight loss.

Scientists participating in the last year’s IFT Obesity Research Summit who concluded, among other things, that identifying reliable long-term behavioral and biological indicators of obesity risk are needed, as is ascertaining the motivations behind choosing foods and choosing when to stop eating.

The research urges other researchers to consider the role of education, mass media, health insurance, and social support groups and their affect on obesity and, more positively, a healthy lifestyle.

Source: Newswise
