
Obesity Treated by Controlling Adipose Tissue

 Obesity Treated by Controlling Adipose Tissue
The amount of adipose tissue should be a key target in the fight against obesity besides the BMI, since it is linked to blood pressure, claims a thesis by a biologist.
According to Aline Jelenkovic at the University of the Basque Country, the characteristics or phenotypes defining the height, the shape and the adipose tissue of the human body are hereditary at a rate that goes from moderate to high.

The environment also plays a relevant role.

In the case of the phenotypes that determine adipose tissue, the hereditary factor is less and the environmental one gains importance.

Jelenkovic also writes that the general increase in body mass observed amongst this sample can be understood on the basis of the increase in adipose tissue (the phenotypes that determine body mass are closely linked to those determining the amount of fat).

And therefore, controlling the amount of adipose tissue, and not only total body mass, is key in the fight against obesity.

The thesis also explains the link between corporal morphology and the family, considering it be a significant factor, but not especially influential; for example, siblings share more environmental factors that influence their corporal morphology than parents and children.

Even socioeconomic factor is not very significant, but greater economic status also means being taller and having less adipose tissue. Moreover, socioeconomic status has more influence on phenotypes related to adipose tissue than to body mass.

The thesis is titled 'Body morphology, obesity and blood pressure in nuclear families from the Greater Bilbao area: genetic and environmental influences'.

