An eminent Psychiatrist has warned that the practice of obsessively documenting what one eats or plans to eat is a sign of an unhealthy relationship with food.
An eminent Psychiatrist has warned that the practice of obsessively documenting what one eats or plans to eat is a sign of an unhealthy relationship with food. This could also be an early warning of eating disorder. The trend, which is named as Foodstagramming involves clicking pictures of food and posting them on Instagram and Twitter. Some restaurants are banning this trend, as they feel it is intrusive for many others dining there with the light flashing from cameras.
Such a trend is also a sign of a bad relationship with food. 'I see clients for whom food has become problematic, and they struggle to go out and not have food be the key element of all social interaction: what they eat, when they ate, when they are going to eat again,' the psychiatrist said.
‘The concern becomes when all they do is send pictures of food,’ she added.