An Abbotsford, B.C., woman made fervent yet ‘odd’ attempts to find a kidney donor for her ailing husband.
An Abbotsford, B.C., woman made fervent yet ‘odd’ attempts to find a kidney donor for her ailing husband. In sheer desperation Lois Wilson, had advertised online to barter her own kidney for another perfect kidney to help her ailing husband, Dave Wilson.
Dave Wilson’s kidneys are packing up and this needed him to be on dialysis for fours each day, three times in a week. Since his condition is serious, and the waiting list for kidney transplants is about seven years, Dave is apprehensive if he would last that long without a transplant.As Lois Wilson’s kidney did not match, she made a desperate bid on the internet for a kidney swap with a matching donor. The ad on Craig list read, "I'm willing to donate my kidney to someone else out there who needs it if they have a partner whose willing to donate their kidney for my husband."
Describing the advertisement as an odd one, Ken Donohue, a spokesman for Vancouver-based B.C. Transplant, said "Obviously it is little unorthodox because we have never had somebody post an ad on Craiglist."
B.C. Transplant encourages paired kidney exchange program without advertisements. "We have had three of those successful transplants done in British Columbia. The challenge there is to get enough pairs in the data base so that there is a match for it,” Ken Donohue said.
Though the advertisement has been removed by Craig list, The Wilson’s got a response from many people and are hopeful of finding a donor for Dave. The couple has left their contact information for anybody who wishes to help them out - 604 856-8218 or via e-mail at