A new online survey on British men revealed that almost one in five pay for their sex.
A survey on British men revealed that almost one in five men pay for their sex.
More than 6,000 Radio 5 live listeners responded to the ‘Confessions’ survey for the channel’s breakfast show, reports the Sun.In the survey, 40 per cent of adults in relationships reported that they cheat on their partners - with women more likely to have an affair and men more tempted by a one-night stand.
It was also found that a third of suspicious partners secretly go through their other half’s emails or text messages.
The survey also showed that despite 90 percent of listeners thinking they are honest people, more than 50 percent confess to stealing and taking sickies when they are not really ill.
In another survey carried in the report, driving misdemeanours turned out to be a common offence.
According to the paper, more than 50 percent of those questioned said they regularly drive over the speed limit and four out of ten said they have driven over the legal alcohol limit.
A third of men admitted that they have damaged someone’s car but not owned up to it.
However, white lies was the top confession - two thirds of people reported lying about liking a Christmas present that they actually hated.
The findings from the survey will be debated this week on the programme.