Using opioid may raise the risk of atrial fibrillation, a dangerous heart rhythm disorder which is known to cause stroke, finds a new study.
Opioid use may increase an individual's risk for developing a dangerous heart-rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation, which is known to cause strokes. The findings of the study are presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2018. The results, based on analysis of medical records of more than 850,000 young and middle-aged military veterans, show opioid use increases the likelihood of atrial fibrillation by 34 percent.
‘Atrial fibrillation is the common heart-rhythm disorder, characterized by the chaotic quivering of the heart's upper chambers, and is one of the principal causes of strokes.’
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There is mounting evidence that opioids can cause cardiovascular damage, yet the mechanisms by which these medications promote heart disease remain poorly understood.Read More..
The new findings suggest that one way in which opioids could drive cardiovascular damage may be through heart-rhythm abnormalities, such as atrial fibrillation.
"We all know that the opioid epidemic is taking an unspeakable human toll through addiction, abuse, and overdose, but our findings suggest that the toll may be even greater when we consider the cardiovascular effects opioids may have," said study lead investigator Jonathan Stock, M.D., a resident physician at Yale New Haven Hospital in Connecticut.
The team said their findings based on tracking opioid use rather than abuse underscore the notion that opioid use, by itself, is dangerous even in the absence of abuse or full-blown addiction.
"Our results point to the importance of prescribing opioids only as a last resort," Stock said. "Opioid use, by itself, must be taken seriously and efforts should be made not only to reduce opioid abuse and overdoses but to ensure patients are being prescribed opioids only when absolutely necessary."
A particularly concerning finding was the occurrence of atrial fibrillation a condition that becomes more common with age and peaks after age 65 in a relatively young, healthy group of people. The average age of those participating in the study was 38 years.