
Oscar Winners Live Longer Than Co-Competitors

A new study has found that awards and accomplishments could have a profound impact on the survival rate of an individual. Oscar winners have been on an average found to live for four years longer than nominees who had lost the race and went home and empty-handed.

The interesting study conducted on actors and actresses can be found in the latest issue of the Harvard Health Letter. Hold on! Actors are not the only ones to enjoy the benefit of social recognition. A parallel study conducted by Dr. Donald Redelmeier in association with Women’s College Health Sciences Centre has established that the results hold good for Oscar winning directors as well.

Male, Oscar-winning directors have been observed to live for 4.5 years or longer on an average compared to losers and even Oscar winning actors. It is known that social status; recognition can have a significant impact of the mental and physical health. This study has for the first time provided a measurement of the association.

The authors highlight that winners have better chances of further moving up the ladder as they find it easier to grab an opportunity. They are also better paid and better appreciated compared to other co-actors that enhances their health and longevity.

Surprisingly, screenwriters were found to die 3.6 years earlier than other nominees. Screenwriters, although successful do not get as much public attention as the actors. Furthermore, they are not provided any incentive to maintain fitness and well-being.

Consistent with the above fact, several studies have demonstrated that class presidents died approximately 2.4 years earlier than their med school classmates despite enjoying prestigious careers. This could be attributed to the additional responsibility, go-get attitude and elevated stress levels.

The results of the study perhaps highlight the fact that anything in this world comes with a price tag, sometimes even life.

