The Bastion Voice Institute in Chicago, a popular center for remedy of voice disorders, has an ‘out of the box’ solution to restore injured or paralyzed vocal cords.
The Bastion Voice Institute in Chicago, a popular center for remedy of voice disorders, has an ‘out of the box’ solution to restore injured or paralyzed vocal cords.
Doctors at the Institute used gel injections on patients, which has met with success. Now, patients are seen making a beeline for this procedure in an effort to restore their failing vocal cords.Paralysis or weakness of the vocal cord can take place when the laryngeal nerve gets damaged. Benign or malignant tumors, injury during surgery, or certain viruses can cause severe damage to the nerve.
The procedure employs gel injections which are administered using local anesthesia. This helps the doctor to fine tune the voice of the patient, during the course of the surgery. The injection does not serve to remedy the paralyzed cord, though it causes the cords to balloon up in order to enable sufficient contact between them. This procedure can also be performed in a doctor’s office.
The meeting of the cords triggers the reactivation of the paralyzed cord. The gel which gets absorbed into the body in time helps in the complete recovery of the damaged cord within a few months.
Earlier, Teflon injections were employed; this was later abandoned as it triggered inflammation in some patients. What might have taken 9 months for a probable recovery with other methods, patients can now get back their lost voice in just a few months with a fairly simple procedure in a doctors office.