The weight of a person have an effect on that person's bones, says study conducted by North Carolina State University.

"This research allows us to determine whether an individual was overweight based solely on the characteristics of a skeleton's femur, or thigh bone," says Dr.
Ann Ross, an associate professor of anthropology at NC State and co-author of a paper describing the research.
However, Ross notes, this research does not give us the ability to provide an individual's exact weight based on skeletal remains.
Researchers found that the heavier an individual was, the wider the shaft of that person's femur. The researchers hypothesize that the femur of an overweight person is more robust because it bears more weight, but also because overweight individuals move and walk differently to compensate for their greater mass.
The researchers evaluated the femur bones of 121 white men for the study. They used the bones of white men exclusively in order to eliminate any variation that could be attributed to race or gender.