A new love potion using oxytocin is getting ready by Swiss researchers to help couples communicate better
Relationships are tricky. Most people think at some point that communicating positively with their partners when discussing stressful issues, like home finances, is an impossible task. But, relax, Swiss researchers are working on a "love potion" that will drive away all such conflicts.
Researchers have begun exploring the benefits of oxytocin for helping couples communicate better.Oxytocin has been touted as beneficial for reducing anxiety, producing feelings of well-being, empathy, bonding, and sexual arousal.
In its May 1st issue, Biological Psychiatry, published by Elsevier, includes a paper by Swiss researchers that have investigated the effects of oxytocin, the "love hormone," on human couple interactions.
They recruited adult couples who received oxytocin or placebo intranasally before engaging in a conflict discussion in the laboratory.
Oxytocin increased positive communication behavior in relation to negative behavior and reduced salivary cortisol, i.e., their stress levels, compared to placebo.
"As this knowledge grows, the question of how to best use our developing capacities to pharmacologically alter social processes will become an important question to explore," he added.
"[Oxytocin] might help us to pronounce the effects of a standard treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, by possibly making the benefits of social interaction more accessible to the individual. But it probably will not replace these standard treatments," the expert added.
They clarify that this study does not show that oxytocin should currently be used as a treatment itself and the effects of repeated administration have not been evaluated in humans.