
Oz Prime Minister May Lose Precious Votes Over Ciggie Price Hike

by Tanya Thomas on May 3 2010 11:00 AM

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's intentions might be noble, but he is facing the ire of the Australian working class following a whopping 25 percent increase in excise tax on tobacco.

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd may have to pay dearly for his sin (tax). While his intentions might be noble, the Australian working class isn't letting up on the whopping 25 percent increase in excise tax on tobacco.

Rudd, who has dedicatedly waged war against tobacco, is fast losing popularity for his vigourous anti-tobacco campaign.

Many vented their anger with almost 70 per cent of smokers responding to a Daily Telegraph online poll, confirming the tax would cost Rudd their vote.

However, Rudd's concern is not without reason. The numbers speak for themselves.

According to The Daily Telegraph, a 2005 survey found smoking was significantly higher among people who worked in manual labour or factories, where almost 40 per cent of labourers smoked, leading to a higher mortality rate amongst them.

Labor strategists are aware of the negative impact such a move will have on the Labor voters but feel that others who identify with the moral certitude of this policy will nullify the effects.

