Raphaele and Michael Horwin have launched the SV40 Cancer Foundation in memory of their son Alexander Horwin who died in 1999 from an SV40 positive brain tumor.
Raphaele and Michael Horwin have launched the SV40 Cancer Foundation in memory of their son Alexander Horwin who died in 1999 from an SV40 positive brain tumor. The main aim of the foundation is to "public awareness, encourage independent research and to facilitate clinical improvements."
Alexander, (http//www.ouralexander.org) died in January 1999 from a brain tumor that was caused by an active SV40 virus that contaminates both the Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) of Dr Jonas Salk and the Oral or "Live" Polio Vaccine (OPV) of Dr. Albert Sabin. This conclusion was reached by doctors after extensive tests including DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology and laser micro-dissection found that Alexander's brain tumor was SV40 positive and that the virus was active. The SV 40 virus was the 40th one found in the kidney cells of Rhesus monkey when polio vaccine was made from them. It was also found that Alexander's parents did not carry the virus and that even his cord blood was negative for the same. The only remaining assumption was that the polio vaccine was contaminated and the Horowins sought legal redress by taking American Home Products to court for supplying the vaccines. But a judge found that the company was not guilty of supplying such vaccines despite evidence to the contrary. For more information visit, SV40 Cancer Foundation at http://www.SV40foundation.org