The doctor-patient ratio, varies from case to case depending upon various factors like the type of disease, nature of specialization, type of patient-care required i.e. indoor/outdoor.
Health being a State subject, the data in regard to doctor-patient ratio in various State Government Hospitals is not maintained centrally. The doctor-patient ratio, varies from case to case depending upon various factors like the type of disease, nature of specialization, type of patient-care required i.e. indoor/outdoor. According to the Medical Council of India, the allopathic doctor-population ratio at present works out to 1:1722.
The patient nurse ratio also depends on various factors like type of patient care provided and nature of specialization etc. and varies from 5:1 to 19:1.The policy of recruitment of nurses depends upon the number of sanctioned position in a hospital and nursing qualification prescribed for the recruitment of nurses.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare, Smt. Panabaka Lakshmi on 4th May, 2007 in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha.