In Daviess County the dental care for poor children and youth is below par although it is not completely absent.
In Daviess County the dental care for poor children and youth is below par although it is not completely absent. Around 20 elementary schools in the area can avail free dental check-ups by volunteer dentists. Also the Christian Dental Mission supplies volunteer dentists and hygienists for free programs in the area.
But the fact remains that even if elementary students receive care, those above 14 are unable to do so. And ten people visit the emergency room per day for their treatment, which again underlines the fact that dental care in the area is sorely lacking.One of the main factors for this lack is the financial crunch. A substantial number of youth do qualify for Medicaid services, but the amount compensated to dentists is small and hence many of them choose not to treat such patients.
Meanwhile the Citizens Health Care Advocates is looking at ways to improve the access to dental care for children.