Scientists have reportd that exposure to pesticides may raise the risk f Parkinson’s disease considerably. The more a person is exposed to the
Scientists have reportd that exposure to pesticides may raise the risk f Parkinson’s disease considerably. The more a person is exposed to the pesticides the highre are his chances of developing Parkinson’s.
The reseaearchers have studied about 3000 people in Europan countries who either have suffered from the diseases or were of similar backgrounds and exposed to risk factors like pesticides. Researchers say that amateur gardeners are 9% more likely to develop the diseases than who are not exposed to any pesticides for long time periods. The high risk group are the farmers who may have about 43% more risk of developing the disease when compared to other people.Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system. Some of its symptoms are muscle tremors, muscle rigidity, decreased mobility, stooped posture, slow voluntary movements, and a mask-like facial expression.
The study also found out some other risk factors for the disease. Having a family history of Prakinson’s can increase the risk for an individual of developing the disease by 350%. Also factors like being knocked unconscious atleast once increases the risk of diesease developement by 32%, and if this had happened several times, then that increases the risk manyfold.
Reference: New Scientist, May 2005