Participating in physical therapy either before or after knee replacement surgery helps reduce a patient’s risk of opioid addiction.

‘Six or more sessions of physical therapy post-surgery was linked to reduced chance of chronic opioid use, as were instances when physical therapy was initiated within 30 days of surgery.’

“Osteoarthritis is one of the most common conditions for which opioids are prescribed [in the United States],” says Kosaku Aoyagi, a physical therapist and researcher at Boston University. “With the aging of the population and rising prevalence of osteoarthritis, the number of total knee replacement procedures is expected to rise exponentially over the next decade.” 

In the largest study of its kind, published Wednesday in JAMA Network Open, Deepak Kumar, a BU College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College assistant professor of physical therapy, and collaborators analyzed more than 67,000 patient records, and discovered that even low levels of physical therapy were associated with lower risk of chronic opioid use after total knee replacement.
Specifically, they found that participation in physical therapy within 90 days before or after total knee replacement was associated with lower risk of chronic opioid use.
Kumar, a physical therapist by training, says their analysis revealed that the longer a patient waits to start physical therapy, the greater their odds of chronic opioid use.
But the exact reason why physical therapy reduces the likelihood of opioid use is not yet clear. Aoyagi says a surprising aspect of the findings was that the type of physical therapy—active (exercise) vs. passive (heating or icing)—was not associated with longterm opioid use. He says more research is needed to understand the relationship between types of physical therapy interventions with the outcomes in people who undergo total knee replacement.
“It’s an equity issue—there are known racial disparities, such as the fact that African Americans are less likely to receive physical therapy than Caucasian patients,” Kumar says. He says that can be related to insurance coverage as well as healthcare provider bias.
“Despite treatment guidelines recommending physical therapy for osteoarthritis [as a first line treatment], utilization of physical therapy remains low,” says Aoyagi, a postdoctoral associate at BU School of Medicine and researcher at BU’s Arthritis and Autoimmune Diseases Research Center. “In contrast, opioids are not recommended for osteoarthritis yet are commonly prescribed. Our study adds to the growing body of literature that physical therapy interventions can provide meaningful pain management with much lower risk than many pharmacologic options, including opioids.”
Kumar adds that treating pain associated with knee osteoarthritis cannot be viewed as a one-size-fits-all approach, because previous research has revealed that about half of patients don’t respond to exercise as well as others.
“The future of pain management needs to be a multimodal approach,” Kumar says, “but we’re observing that physical therapy can reduce the odds that a patient will be a chronic opioid user in the future.”