Women pray more often then men, are more likely to believe in God, and are more religious than men in a variety of other ways, according to a new study.
A new study has preclaimed that women are definitely more spiritually inclined than the men - the fairer sex apprently prays more often, are more likely to believe in God, and are more religious in more ways than one.
Analysts say that the reasons could range from traditional mothering duties to the tendency of men to take risks, reports Live Science.The findings come from a fresh review of data that was collected in a 2007 survey and initially released last year by the Pew Research Center.
The survey involved interviews with more than 35,000 U.S. adults by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
George H. Gallup, Jr., in an analysis for the Gallup polling organization back in 2002, wrote that the differences in religiosity between men and women have been shown consistently across the previous seven decades of polls.
"A mountain of Gallup survey data attests to the idea that women are more religious than men, hold their beliefs more firmly, practice their faith more consistently, and work more vigorously for the congregation," Gallup wrote.
Gallup said that among the reasons women tend to be more religious are that mothers have tended to spend more time raising children, which often means overseeing their involvement in church activities.
Women tend to be more open about sharing personal problems and are more relational than men.
Gallup also said, "More so than men, women lean toward an empirical [depending on experience or observation] rather than a rational basis for faith."
Rodney Stark, a professor of sociology and comparative religion at the University of Washington, gave another reason for why are men less religious.
"Studies of biochemistry imply that both male irreligiousness and male lawlessness are rooted in the fact that far more males than females have an underdeveloped ability to inhibit their impulses, especially those involving immediate gratification and thrills," Stark said in a 2002 paper in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Stark said that the upshot is that some men are short-sighted and don't think ahead and so 'going to prison or going to hell just doesn't matter to these men.'