Plants have never been as important to the environment as right now, as they are vital to reduce the impact of global warming.
Plants have never been as important to the environment as right now, as they are vital to reduce the impact of global warming.
According to a report by BBC News, this fact has been stressed upon by Professor Stephen Hopper, the director of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in London, England."We believe that at no other point in history have plants been so important to people," said Professor Hopper. "They have importance as carbon sinks in a time of climate change," he added.
They are vital to reduce the impact of climate change and "vast numbers of humans" needed them for medicine and food, said Hopper.
"We have to care for what remains and address the serious business of repairing and restoring vegetation if we're going to have the buffers to climate variation that plant life offers," he added.
There was an urgency to protect the plants that were essential to human welfare and quality of life, he added, as well as continuing to care for "green companions".
Several major events will be held in 2009 to celebrate Kew's role as a world leader in plant science.
More than seven million preserved specimens of plants from around the world can be found in Kew's Herbarium.