A recent survey conducted in Australia shows that majority of Australians know very little about lymphomas
A recent survey conducted in Australia shows that majority of Australians actually know very little about lymphomas.
A variety of cancers affecting the lymphatic system is termed as lymphomas. Its the lymphatic system in the human body that helps to sieve out bacteria and aids to fight disease.Data reveals that it’s the fifth most prevalent cancer that afflicts more women than cervical or ovarian cancer .Survey shows that more Australians die from lymphomas than melanoma. Studies point out that more than 4,000 Australians are likely to be diagnosed with lymphoma this year. Occurrence of lymphomas have doubled over the past two decades show s statistics. Alarmingly the statisticians have gathered enough data to show that the incidence will scale to almost 30% in the next five years. In spite of the high rates of incidence majority of the population are unaware of what lymphomas are and its impact on society. This was revealed in the survey that was conducted by Leukemia Foundation.
The questionnaire answered by 1,405 adults online showed that 25% are unaware that incidence of lymphomas far outweighs leukemia. Three-fifths of those who answered the questionnaire responded that they were in the dark about the outcome of lymphomas reported the Pfizer Australia Health Report. Most respondents were also unaware that atleast half the adults diagnosed with lymphoma could die from the disease in five years. Only one-tenth knew that this disease affects the elderly people more.and most of them believed it was a disease that affected children .The fact is that 90% of cases are adults.
However, the public were more aware about leukemia since 50% knew somebody suffering from leukemia were as only 25% knew some one with lymphoma.