A year back Insurance Regulator introduced the portability of health Insurance.

Very few active policy insurers want to accept porting from people above the 45 year age group. The IRDA – Insurance Regulator and Development Authority does not allow commission to be paid in the first year of a ported policy. IRDA also reserves the right to allow porting only when the policy holder is not a defaulter and has paid premiums regularly without a break.
Porting a policy can only happen after a 45 day notice, before renewal is due. To port a policy from present insurer to the new insurer – a form has to be filled up in advance.
The new insurer will now check your medical and claim history and process the application within a week on a porting web site created by IRDA. The old insurer will furnish the required information. The new insurer will communicate with you within 15 days. Failing which he loses the right to reject your policy and has to accept it by default.
In case of any delay in portability the existing policy is extended by paying a short term premium.
The existing or old insurer cannot cancel your policy without receiving a confirmation from the new insurer.