The Earth, a very minute dot in the cosmic solar system, like its brothers and sisters is made up of atoms, which when join together create molecular
The Earth, a very minute dot in the cosmic solar system, like its brothers and sisters is made up of atoms, which when join together create molecular structures. Over the centuries, scientist have come to a common understanding that these molecule structures, though immensely complex in nature have one basic principle that keeps them together, their negative and positive components or charge. These discoveries, lead us to a greater understanding of the behavioral patterns of the molecular structures. And it is on a similar plain that life on Earth itself revolves. Researchers in the Netherlands evaluated data on 941 men and women aged between 65 and 85 years who answered questions regarding optimism. The participants based on their level of optimism were divided into 4 groups. Patients who view themselves as optimistic had lower rates of death than their pessimistic counterparts, according to the new study.
Results show there were 397 deaths over nine years. Those who reported high levels of optimism had a 55 percent lower risk of death overall and a 23 percent lower risk of cardiovascular death, than those who reported high levels of pessimism.Another interesting fact that came out through this study was that the strong protective effect of optimism was more prevalent in men rather than in women for overall death risk, but not for cardiovascular death risk.