Infants with early signs of autism may have better management of ASD symptoms by preemptive therapy.
Infants with early signs of autism may have better management of ASD symptoms by preemptive therapy as per a study ¡§Effect of Preemptive Intervention on Developmental Outcomes Among Infants Showing Early Signs of Autism¡¨, published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a broad spectrum of disorder due to neuro-developmental delay. It is primarily characterized by social, communication and behavioral challenges.
‘Infants with early signs of autism may have better management of ASD symptoms by preemptive therapy.’
The study team examined 104 infants at 2 Australian research centers (Perth, Melbourne) with the age group 9 to 14 months and showing early behavioral signs of ASD. All these infants had received either a preemptive intervention plus usual care or usual care only over 5 months to check the significance of the therapy in reducing the ASD severity across early childhood.
Effect of preemptive intervention
The preemptive intervention comprised of 10-session of social communication intervention, and iBASIS¡VVideo Interaction to Promote Positive Parenting (iBASIS-VIPP).
It was found that infants who received a preemptive intervention for autism spectrum disorder had lower odds of meeting diagnostic criteria for ASD (7%) than those who received usual care (21%) at age 3 years. Furthermore, there were also the reduced odds of an ASD diagnosis at 3-years-old.