
Pregnancy And Alcohol Do Not Gel

The Department of Health in Wales said that pregnant women may be risking their own health as well as their baby's by drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Baby charity Tommy's said that in a survey over 7 percent pregnant women admitted that they drank more than permitted.

The recommended limit is one to two units once or twice a week. "There is no proven safe level of alcohol to drink during pregnancy because any amount can pass through the placenta to the baby. So although one or two units once or twice a week is thought to be safe, no alcohol equals no risk," said Charlotte Davies, of Tommy's.

Alcohol in pregnancy increases the risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, which affects more than 7,000 babies each year in the country.

"We do not want to alarm pregnant women, and the Department of Health recommendation is probably safe for most women, but we do not know for sure. The only way to be 100% certain of preventing the syndrome is not to drink at all," said Susan Fleisher, founder of the National Organisation on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

