In a bizarre incident at the Gloucester High School in Gloucester, Mass. some 17 girls are pregnant in what observers are calling is a pregnancy pact.
In a bizarre incident at the Gloucester High School in Gloucester, Mass. some 17 girls are pregnant in what observers are calling is a pregnancy pact. reported that last fall a group of girls began appearing at the school clinic and asked for pregnancy tests. "Some girls seemed more upset when they weren't pregnant than when they were," principal Joseph Sullivan told report added that men in their 20s were suspected to fathering most children. Dr. Brian Orr, the medical director at the clinic said he started to lobby for birth control even without parental consent after seeing the high rate of pregnancy tests in the clinic.
"It is very clear that the board [at Northeast Health System of Beverly, which manages the clinic] is not in favor and will not support contraception in the school," Orr told the Boston Globe. "There is an epidemic of teen pregnancy at the school."