For people worried about their premature hair loss, scientists have pioneered a technique that would help provide a cure - hair cloning.
Hair cloning is a novel technique that may provide the answer for people worried about premature balding.
The new technique, known as follicular cell implantation works by replicating remaining hair strands and would eventually help millions of people to regain a full head of their own hair.It can potentially re-grow a limitless supply hair for individuals who have become bald during cancer treatment, from suffering severe burns, or simply the onset of age, reports the Telegraph
The cell therapy, during clinical trials, increased hair count in at least two thirds of patients after six months, and four out of five if the scalp is stimulated beforehand through gentle abrasions, which encourage hair growth.
The new technique is a breakthrough in hair restoration and has been granted 1.9 million pounds by the government.
The procedure is being developed by Intercytex, a British company based in Manchester.