
Premature Ejaculation, Female Sexual Dysfunction is Not an Illness

by Bidita Debnath on Nov 6 2015 11:12 PM

Researchers indicate therapies for hyper-sexual men should include sex therapy principals that may enhance erectile functioning and address sexual boredom.

 Premature Ejaculation, Female Sexual Dysfunction is Not an Illness
Researchers argue that premature ejaculation including female sexual dysfunction should not be classified as an illness, adding that the illness factor may have been constructed by sexual medicine experts under the influence of drug companies.
"It is important for men to understand that in premature ejaculation, the physiology of ejaculation and orgasm is not impaired, and that it is normal in adolescent males especially during their first sexual encounters," explained Dr Vincenzo Puppo, co-author of a paper appeared in the journal Clinical Anatomy.

"Teenagers and men can understand their sexual response during masturbation and learn ejaculatory control without drug therapy," Puppo added. Also, immediately after ejaculation, men enter a refractory period which lengthens with age.

According to co-author, Dr Giulia Puppo, vaginal orgasm does not exist so the duration of penile-vaginal intercourse is not important for a woman's orgasm.

"In all women, orgasm is always possible if the female erectile organs are effectively stimulated during masturbation, cunnilingus or partner masturbation, before and after male ejaculation, or during vaginal intercourse if the clitoris is simply stimulated with a finger," she explained in the paper.

In an another paper published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers indicated that therapies for hyper-sexual men should include sex therapy principals that may enhance erectile functioning and address sexual boredom.

In a study of European men, hyper-sexuality - a preoccupation with sexual fantasy or an excessive indulgence in sexual activity - correlated with proneness to sexual boredom and problems with erectile function.

The study, which included 911 Croatian and 210 German men who were currently in a relationship, contributes to existing knowledge on hyper-sexuality.

"In some men, hyper-sexual behavior may serve as a coping mechanism for sexual boredom. In addition, erectile dysfunction within an intimate relationship can accompany this simultaneously," noted lead author Verena Klein.












