New study is the first to examine the relationship between hospitalizations due to opioid misuse and chronic disease.
Preventing long-term disorders can control the opioid epidemic, according to a new study from the University of Georgia. "When we look at the opioid crisis, most of the response has been to treat opioid overdose, making naloxone more available, for example. That’s a good immediate intervention, but in the long run, we need to identify the underlying issues of the epidemic," said study author Janani Thapa, who studies chronic disease at UGA’s College of Public Health.
‘Patients with chronic disease usually suffer from pain, which is associated with opioid use. So, preventing chronic disease could address the issue of opioid crisis.’
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When most health professionals talk about the risks of living with a chronic disease, opioid addiction doesn’t make the list, but to Thapa, the association is obvious. Read More..
"Chronic disease is associated with pain. Pain is associated with opioid use," she said. "So, we thought, let’s look at that and put some numbers behind the association."
One in four U.S. adults is living with at least one chronic disease, and many of these diseases are accompanied with chronic pain. Arthritis is one common example. Obesity is another.
That’s why Thapa and her co-authors were particularly interested in the patterns of opioid-related hospitalizations among patients with conditions that were the most likely to be prescribed opioids, including asthma, arthritis, cancer, liver disease and stroke.
The researchers gathered inpatient data from a national sample of community hospitals, and they looked at the prevalence of chronic disease among patients who had been admitted for an opioid-related injury, from 2011 to 2015.
Thapa says the public health and health care fields need to be aware of the overlap between two of the country’s growing epidemics and prioritize finding alternative, non-addictive strategies to managing the chronic pain.
Thapa would like to see this study begin a conversation about allocating more of the resources pouring in to curb the opioid crisis toward chronic disease prevention.
"We are missing a key component, I think, if we aren’t talking about preventing opioid misuse through chronic disease prevention," she said.