
Preventing Heart Disease can Help Keep More People Employed, Save Billions for the Economy

by Iswarya on Sep 29 2020 1:52 PM

On world heart day, employers are urged to invest in their staff's heart health as preventing coronary heart disease could save billions for the economy and improve productivity at work, reports a new study.

Preventing Heart Disease can Help Keep More People Employed, Save Billions for the Economy
Preventing ten years of coronary heart disease could save nearly USD 15 billion in the gross domestic product by keeping people gainfully employed, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.
On the occasion of World Heart Day, employers are urged to invest in their staff's heart health, and governments are asked to adopt policies and regulations that promote better heart health, including smoking bans, sugar taxes, and decreasing air pollution.

"Economic evaluations of the disease typically focus on the cost for healthcare systems," stated study author Ms. Feby Savira. "Our study investigated how much money could be saved by preventing heart disease, thereby allowing people to remain in work."

Coronary heart disease is the reason for a third of all deaths in people over 35 years of age. More days of absenteeism (unplanned absence from work) and less presenteeism (less productive while at work) is seen in people with heart disease. Those with heart disease are also more likely to retire early.

The researchers evaluated the economic impact of stopping future coronary heart disease cases in Australia over the next ten years (2020-2029). Preventing all future cases could save nearly A$22 billion in GDP due to reductions in coronary heart disease-related deaths and improved productivity.

The authors claim that policymakers should view spending to prevent heart disease as an investment - for example, by making it easier to walk or cycle to work and banning industrial fats.










