
Prevention is better than cure

Common cold is the most 'common'illness during the change of weather from winter to summer.

Common cold is the most 'common'illness during the change of weather from winter to summer.

It is a disease that occurs when viruses invade the human nose and throat. The viruses reach cells in the human nose and throat after travelling from the outer part of the nose or from the moist membranes of the eye via the tear duct.

People can catch cold from the coughs and sneezes of victims or from virus contaminated objects. Symptoms of a cold include one or more of the following: running or stuffy nose, sore throat, hoarseness, 'dry' cough, tiredness, headache, bouts of sneezing and fever.

Children are six times more prone to colds as compared to adults, one reason being that they are in close contact with one another (for example, in school).

Also, the resistance power of a child is low as compared to an adult. Cigarette smokers tend to have more severe colds than non-smokers and are more likely to suffer serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Though colds are generally contracted from other people, social isolation also increases susceptibility to colds.Stress is another factor that increases chances of a person contracting a cold.

There is no cure for a cold and, hence, prevention is the best medicine. Those already suffering should refrain from sneezing in the open lest the virus preys on people in the vicinity.

Avoid exposure to coughs and sneezes; avoid touching eyes and nose; wash hands after using the toilet and after touching objects that might carry cold viruses; stay in good general health (diet, rest and exercise); and maintain a social support system - seeing friends, relatives and others on a regular basis.
