
Prime Minister Modi Stresses on Integrating Yoga into Healthcare System

by Reshma Anand on Jan 4 2016 2:18 PM

Modi said that his vision for health care is an integrated system that understands and builds on the best and most effective of different traditions.

Prime Minister Modi Stresses on Integrating Yoga into Healthcare System
After inaugurating the 21st international conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and its Applications (INCOFYRA) organized by the Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (S-Vyasa) Institute at Jigani, about 30 km from Bengaluru, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the importance of bridging the gap between various forms of medicine systems.
“It is in this spirit that Swami Vivekananda called for combining the best from the East and the West. So, it must be in the area of health care. My vision for health care is an integrated system that understands and builds on the best and most effective of different traditions,” Modi said.

He said all medicinal practices aim to cure the person’s disease at various levels and it is must that traditional medicines and Yoga are integrated with Healthcare in India.

“I am not here to advocate the supremacy of one system over another. I believe that humanity is wealthier for its diversity. Civilizations, cultures and countries have enriched each other by sharing their knowledge and wisdom. And, we can progress more by learning from each other,” he said.He stated that the world is appreciating the heritage culture of India and it is time for Indians to act.

“The world is embracing traditional Indian medicine with great enthusiasm. Across cultures and geography, people are increasingly taking to yoga to redefine their lives, to find oneness between inner self and outer world,” he said.

WHO Studies show that India stands to lose about $4.58 trillion before 2030 due to non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions.

“This is where the role of Yoga is paramount. Across the world, there are moving stories of transformed lives and rekindled hopes due to Yoga. The prediction of Shri Aurobindo that Indian Yoga is potentially one of these dynamic elements of the future life of humanity is coming true,” he added.

Source: Medindia











