Dermatologists at the University have come up with an explanation to acne and the culprit is Iodine.
Scientists at the University at Buffalo have investigated the possible relation between acne and milk.
Dermatologists at the University have come up with an explanation and the culprit is Iodine.Teenagers being plagued with acne can be a thing of the past if something concrete comes out. Previously thought to be hormones or “bioactive chemicals” is now zeroed in as Iodine.
Harvey Arbesman, M.D., is credited with the finding.
"It has been well-established since the 1960s that iodine intake can exacerbate acne," said Arbesman. "Nevertheless, various studies have shown there is still a significant level of iodine in milk in several countries, including the U.S., Britain, Denmark, Norway and Italy.
"Farmers give their cows iodine-fortified feed to prevent infection," he noted, "and they use sanitizing iodine solutions on their cows' udders and milking equipment. Consequently, there is lot of iodine in dairy products. For that reason, I've advised my acne patients for years to decrease their dairy intake."
"More importantly," he said, "the connection could be a combination of hormones and iodine."