
Promoting Intake of Nutrient-rich Pulses for Better Health

by Julia Samuel on Apr 10 2017 2:22 PM

As a food source, pulses have the potential to offer cost-effective solutions for global nutrition as well as health and sustainability concerns.

Promoting Intake of Nutrient-rich Pulses for Better Health
Increased pulse, a variety of legume consumption could address nutrition issues related to the health of the overall human population, as well as the planet.
Why Pulses?

Pulses are members of the legume family and include dried peas, edible lentils, and chickpeas.
  • They are high in protein and fiber, and low in fat.
  • They have high levels of minerals such as iron, zinc, and phosphorous as well as folate and other B-vitamins.
  • The nutrients and fiber in pulses help reduce cholesterol, high blood sugar levels and helps in weight loss.
  • When growing, pulses fix nitrogen into the soil, which reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.
Pulses come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours and can be consumed in many forms including whole or split, ground in to flours or separated into fractions such as protein, fibre and starch. 

As a food source, pulses have the potential to offer cost-effective solutions for global nutrition as well as health and sustainability concerns, if consumed in greater amounts.

In one of the papers, experts in food processing, human health, food and nutritional security, global trade, agriculture, and environmental science have developed a common vision and action plan to reach the United Nation's goals for pulse consumption by 2020.

They agreed that a committed group of pulse industry stakeholders must work together to create a research agenda focused on shifting consumer behavior towards greater pulse consumption.

Authors highlight the needs for multi-sectoral partnerships to realize these goals through developing policies, regulations, guidelines and public intervention programs promoting pulse consumption.

Data from the research community must be leveraged to offer effective evidence-based solutions. More importantly such research must then be incorporated into a comprehensive communications agenda that addresses consumers' lack of familiarity with pulses as a beneficial food source.

Secondly, the authors emphasized that to meet the goals, experts must provide solutions to increase pulse yields while reducing input costs through improved, integrated crop-management practices.

New technologies must be utilized to improve pulse varieties that are adapted to local agro-climatic conditions, suited for mechanical harvest, and possess traits valued by global markets and end users. Additionally barriers to access in existing and emerging markets should be addressed.












