
Prostate cancer and Vitamins

According to the latest study researchers proposed that large doses of vitamins may be unsafe to men experiencing treatment for prostate cancer. Researchers say tens of thousands of prostate cancer patients self-administer vitamins and minerals, and use untested medical therapies in doses that multiply the daily recommended doses of these substances. Patients take these alternative therapies in hopes of helping their health but inadvertently endanger their health due to the drug interactions of the vitamins and minerals and prescribed cancer therapies. But a case study reported by doctors at Brigham and Women's Hospital shows the danger of taking too many vitamins.

This was a 56 year old man about to have treatment for localized prostate cancer. He had been taking over 2,057 times the recommended daily dose of the B vitamin niacin. The treatment, which involves implanting radioactive 'seeds' in the tumour had to be cancelled. For the vitamin would have interacted with a drug commonly given before the treatment, raising the risk of haemorrhage. The story shows that doctors and patients alike need to be better informed about the potential risks of complementary therapies.
