According to American researchers many cancer survivors report a good quality of life, despite facing physical and psychological struggle. But
According to American researchers many cancer survivors report a good quality of life, despite facing physical and psychological struggle. But generally Doctors and the general public assume that cancer must lead to a deterioration in your quality of life.
Researchers at the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Carolina carried out a survey on a group of women who had survived a gynaecological cancer.The women were asked a list of questions about the treatment side effects, effect of the illness had on sex life and so on. Finally they were asked about their overall quality of life -and most scored highly on this.
For 130 out of the 200 patients questioned, quality of life was the same as before their illness, or better, although 44 said it had deteriorated. 40 of the 200 patients in the survey admitted a fear that their cancer would recur - although 140 were not concerned about this. A quarter did not reveal information about their sex life but, of those that did, well over half said it was the same or better than before the illness.