Diet and weight loss are subjects that most doctors feel must be discussed with their obese patients, but as a new study reveals, these counselling sessions do not seem to have much effect.

Turns out, doctors talk about weight quite a bit. Physicians discussed weight with patients in 69 percent of the encounters.
"We found that on average, physicians spent about three and a half minutes talking about diet and weight loss," says Kathryn Pollak, PhD, a member of the Cancer Prevention Program in the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center and the lead author of the study. "That may not sound like much, but it amounts to about 15 percent of the time of the average office visit, which ran about 20 minutes. So the good news is, physicians realize how important the issue is, and they are making a point to talk about it."
But the data showed that there was no difference in weight loss between those patients who received counseling and those who did not get it.
Investigators found a very different story, however, when they dug a little deeper and divided the doctors and their patients into groups according to communication styles.
They found that three months after the office visit, patients whose doctors talked about diet and weight loss in a more motivational fashion – using predominantly reflective or empathic statements -- were much more likely to lose weight, compared to those whose physicians used a more judgmental or confrontational style of communication. Patients whose physicians communicated well lost about 3.5 pounds three months after the visit, which is substantial given most overweight and obese patients gain weight over time, says Pollak.
"So, for example, instead of asking a question like 'So, you can't fit exercise into your day?' a physician might say something like 'It sounds like you're finding it hard to find time to exercise.' That kind of reflection seems to help patients open up more and give more meaningful information to doctors."
She says the study is the largest of its kind and the first to examine not only the frequency of diet and weight counseling in physician office visits, but also the quality of the counseling and its impact on patients.
"Results of the study indicate that physicians may indeed have the power to help patients change their eating and exercise habits," says Pollak.
She says future research should examine whether weight loss that resulted from the sessions can be maintained over time, and whether improving physicians' training in behavioral communications would lead to more effective counseling and even greater weight loss.