Replying to questions in the Lok Sabha, Ramadoss said that 55 per cent of total deaths in India are due to chronic non communicable diseases.
The Union Health Minister Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss' plans for curbing the rising number of health nad social issues arising from alcohol consumption has culminated in the National Alcohol Policy that he advocated today.
Replying to questions in the Lok Sabha, Ramadoss said that 55 per cent of total deaths in India are due to chronic non communicable diseases.Focusing attention on the life style diseases, he said that diabetes, heart diseases and mental problems are becoming widespread.
He also said that government was focusing on a program to spread awareness among the school children.
Replying a main question, the Minister said that 2400 crore rupees have been earmarked for the National Cancer control program in the 11th plan to help people living below poverty line.