The life expectancy of HIV patients has significantly improved since the introduction of the combination anti-retroviral therapy in the mid-90s.

Immune Cells in the Brain Under Suspicion
"HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders" (HAND) include disorders of the cognitive functions, motor capacities as well as behavioural changes. How exactly HAND occur has not, as yet, been fully understood. "Scientists assume that HIV is harmful to cells directly and that is also triggers indirect mechanisms that lead to nerve cell damage," explains Dr Simon Faissner (RUB clinic for neurology, St. Josef-Hospital). The researchers strongly suspect that, once activated in the brain and the spinal cord, immune cells keep up a chronic inflammation level which then results in the destruction of nerve cells. An immune activation in peripheral tissue as well as therapeutic consequences may likewise contribute to nerve cell damage in the brain.
First Steps of HIV Infection are Sufficient
The HI virus overcomes the blood-brain barrier hitchhiking on infected immune cells, the monocytes and probably the T cells. The researchers from Bochum tested the hypothesis that HIV-infected monocytes activate specific immune cells in the brain, the so-called microglial cells. These cells, in turn, respond by releasing harmful substances, such as reactive oxygen metabolites and inflammatory signalling molecules, i.e. cytokines. To test this hypothesis, the researchers developed a cell culture system in which they initially examined the effect of HIV-infected monocytes on microglial cells. The researchers simulated the individual steps of HIV infection and measured the volume of the cytokines released at each stage. Thus, they were able to demonstrate that releasing the viral RNA in the monocytes was a sufficient trigger for maximal microglial activation. Subsequent infection phases – reverse transcription into DNA and the resulting formation of HIV proteins – did not augment activation any further.
Released Substances Result in Neuronal Cell Death
Detailed Understanding Necessary for Therapeutic Strategies