Researchers say a new study shows acupuncture and strengthening exercises may help relieve pelvic girdle pain experienced by pregnant women
Researchers say a new study shows acupuncture and strengthening exercises may help relieve pelvic girdle pain experienced by pregnant women .
For the study researchers divided 386 women into three groups. One received standard treatment, another received standard treatment plus acupuncture, and the third underwent standard treatment plus stabilizing exercise that improved mobility and strength. The women were asked to record their pain levels every morning and evening and were examined at the end of the treatment period.It was seen that both the acupuncture group and the stabilizing-exercise group had less pain than the standard treatment group in the morning and evening and the acupuncture group showed the greatest reduction of pelvic girdle pain.
Thus in conclusion researcher say since acupuncture has proven to have a beneficial effect on the pregnant women in the study it could be also used in addition to standard treatment for pelvic girdle pain.