A team of researchers in New South Wales, Australia, has claimed that religions may be partly responsible for obesity.
A team of researchers in New South Wales, Australia, has claimed that religions may be partly responsible for obesity as their focus on the “sin of gluttony” is not as much as pre-marital sex, drinking and other vices. The study was conducted by Michael Kortt from Southern Cross University and University of New England’s Brian Dollery who analyzed more than 9,400 adults and found that a higher body mass index (BMI) could be linked to religion.
The researchers found that those who were affiliated with religion had a higher BMI compared to those without any while Christian women were heavier compared to women from other religions.
“There has been a growing body of evidence to suggest that there is a positive relationship between religion and health. We have identified a statistically significant association between religion and BMI for Australian men and women”, the researchers wrote in their report, published in the Journal of Religion and Health.