The Society of Interventional Radiology has issued a position statement supporting clinical research to determine the safety of interventional M.S. treatments.

"The Society of Interventional Radiology would like to be actively involved in developing evidence-based therapies for the potential treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis," said SIR President James F. Benenati, M.D., FSIR. "Completing high-quality studies—for example, on chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI, a reported abnormality in blood drainage from the brain and spinal cord) and interventional M.S. treatments—should be a research priority for investigators, funding agencies and M.S. community advocates," added Benenati, who represents nearly 4,700 doctors, scientists and allied health professionals dedicated to improving health care through minimally invasive treatments.
About 500,000 people in the United States have M.S., and SIR understands the public's desire to advance treatment for M.S., generally thought of as an autoimmune disease¬ in which a person's body attacks its own cells. Currently, medicines may slow the disease and help control symptoms. The role of CCSVI in M.S. and its endovascular treatment (through a catheter placed in a vein) by an interventional radiologist via balloon angioplasty and/or stents to open up veins "could be transformative for patients and is being actively investigated," said Benenati. "The idea that there may be a venous component to the etiology (or cause) of some symptoms in patients with M.S. is a radical departure from current medical thinking," he noted.
"SIR recognizes the challenge and the potential opportunity presented by promising early studies of an interventional approach to the treatment of M.S.," said Benenati. SIR is moving rapidly to "catalyze" the development of needed studies by bringing together expert researchers in image-guided venous interventions, neurology, central nervous system imaging, M.S. outcomes assessment and clinical trial methodology, he added. While the use of balloon angioplasty and stents cannot be endorsed yet as a routine clinical treatment for M.S., SIR is committed to assuming a national leadership role in launching needed efforts, said Benenati.
SIR's position statement agrees with M.S. advocates, physicians and other caregivers that the use of any treatment (anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, interventional or other) in M.S. patients should be based on an individualized assessment of the patient's disease status, his or her tolerance of previous therapies, the particular treatment's scientific plausibility, and the strength and methodological quality of its supporting clinical evidence. "When conclusive evidence is lacking, SIR believes that these often difficult decisions are best made by individual patients, their families and their physicians," notes "Interventional Endovascular Management of Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: A Position Statement by the Society of Interventional Radiology, Endorsed by the Canadian Interventional Radiology Association."
If interventional therapy proves to be effective, M.S. patients should be treated by doctors who have specialized expertise and training in delivering image-guided venous treatments, said Benenati. Interventional radiologists pioneered balloon angioplasty and stent placements and use those treatments on a daily basis in thousands of patients with diverse venous conditions. "Interventional radiologists are steeped in a tradition of innovation and invention—of pioneering modern medicine with the devices, drugs and methods to treat patients minimally invasively," said Benenati.