Antimalarial phytomedicine is the herbal remedy derived from the roots of weed, combined with leaves and aerial portions from plants with antimalarial activity.

Merlin Willcox (University of Oxford, U.K.), Zephirin Dakuyo (Phytofla, Banfora, Burkina Faso) and coauthors discuss the antimalarial and pharmacological properties of the herbal medication derived from Cochlospermum planchonii (a shrubby weed known as N’Dribala), Phyllanthus amarus, and Cassia alata.
The authors provide a unique historical perspective in describing the early evaluation, development, and production of this phytomedicine. They present the ongoing research and challenges in scaling up cultivation and harvesting of the plants and in production of the final product. The article also describes other traditional uses of the medication, such as to treat hepatitis.
The study appears in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.