An expert gives you some simple steps to lessen your agony if you are constantly suffering from cold.
An expert gives you some simple steps to lessen your agony if you are constantly suffering from cold. Holly Phillips of WCBS-TV in New York gives you an hour-by-hour cold-fighting countdown, reports CBS News.
Hour 1: Drink plenty of fluids
Staying hydrated cuts down on symptoms like a sore throat and stuffy nose, and may help boost your immune system.
Hour 3: Gargle with warm salt water
Salt water reduces inflammation and pain in the throat, and clears mucous. The rinse also flushes out bacteria and viruses, which may help whether you're getting a cold or want to prevent one in the first place.
Hour 5: Use saline nasal spray
Hour 7: Take over-the-counter pain relievers or decongestants
Hour 24: Repeat routine
If you feel worse or have a fever, start vomiting, or develop an increasingly bad headache, call your doctor-those are signs you've got something other than the common cold (such as flu or an bacterial infection), and you may need antiviral medication, antibiotics, or other treatment.