A new research has found that Gross Domestic Happiness in the United States is declining since April 2009 amid increasing Gross Domestic Product over the past two years.

The University of Vermont researchers mapped over 46 billion words of Twitter tweets, ranging from "the" to "pancakes", to gauge the relative mood of human groups through an Amazon service, Mechanical Turk.
A group of research volunteers rated their sense of the "happiness" of the ten thousand most common words in English on a one to nine scale.
Averaging their scores, the volunteers rated, for example, "laughter" at 8.50, "food" 7.44, "truck" 5.48, "greed" 3.06 and "terrorist" 1.30.
The Vermont team applied these scores to words they gathered from Twitter.
The tweets provide insights into people's feelings since they contain date, time and occasionally other demographic information.
The Vermont scientists hoped that they would be able to infer happiness dynamics "such as individual stability, social correlation and contagion and connections to well-being and health" by following the tweets over long time periods.he research is published in the December 7 issue of the journal PLoS ONE.