
Rise In Obesity Among North Qeenslanders

A new study was conducted by Professor Lee Kennedy and other medical experts from Townsville's James Cook University (JCU) on the growing obese population in North Queensland.

The authour said that many studies are carried out on different population but none has been conducted on the queenslanders. Research is mainly done on the obese nature of the people living in the tropical evironment. But a knoweledge of how the disease can be managed in the poulaion is also very helpful.

The author also said that there is no proper evidences on the number of obese people in Northern Australia but an approximate figure of the number people sufering fron obesity due to other related problems such as diabetes and heart diseases is availble.

He said that these problems can be attributed to the hot weather and the lack of health care facility in the vicinity. In case of the climate, Australia has a hot climate and people refrain from doing excersice and also other activies like shopping, cooking are all avoided by the population. The fast food joints are relatively plenty and inexpensive.

The availability of fresh fruits and farm vegetables are also remote in North Queensland. Lot of people spent time driving and covering long distances by car and thereby avoiding excersice.

This can be solved by the latest information technology to deliver services and help in the betterment of the health care services. In conclusion the author say that there can be various reasons that ar attributed to the growing population but the main resons are th temperature and the lfestyle of the population in North Qeensland.
