A Nationwide Study Has Shown That Teens May Be In Need Of Help For Their Emotional Health As One Out Of 25 U.S. Teens Has Attempted Suicide
A nationwide study has shown that teens may be in need of help for their emotional health as one out of 25 U.S. teens has attempted suicide, and one out of eight has contemplated taking the step. The study which was based on in-person interviews of close to 6,500 teens in the U.S., found that teens who thought about or attempted suicide also suffered a mental disorder, which could be ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, or problems with drug or alcohol abuse.
Nearly 50% of the youth were also undergoing treatment at the time of reporting suicidal behavior. But it should not be thought that mental health treatment does not work for teens.
Experts advise parents to keep a watch over their child’s changes in mood and behavior and keep communication open with their teenage children.