Diabetics have three- to four-times the risk of developing liver cancer and more than twice the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, say
Diabetics have three- to four-times the risk of developing liver cancer and more than twice the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, say researchers based on findings of a recent study.
For the study researchers compared 3,288 men diagnosed with 12 different types of cancer to 509 healthy people to determine whether those reporting a prior diagnosis of diabetes were more likely to be diagnosed with cancer. Their findings are independent of other factors like participants' body mass index.Researchers say they found that among those who reported being diabetic, there was a three-fold increased risk for liver cancer and individuals who reported taking medication for their diabetes, the risk for liver cancer increased to almost four-fold compared to individuals who were not diabetic.
However researchers conclude saying that the diabetics were not found to be at an increased risk for other cancers, including melanoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, lung, prostate, bladder, and kidney.