
Russian Spy Ana Chapman Says No to Porn Movie Offer

by VR Sreeraman on Jul 23 2010 12:27 PM

 Russian Spy Ana Chapman Says No to Porn Movie Offer
Russian spy Anna Chapman is said to have turned down an offer to star in a porn movie.
According to TMZ, Chapman rejected an offer from the world's largest porn film producer to star in one of its projects.

Steven Hirsch, president of porn giant Vivid Entertainment, offered Chapman a potentially profitable movie deal because she was the "hottest spy they had seen for years".

"Though she wasn't very successful as a spy, we think she can be a terrific actress in one of our upcoming feature films," quoted Hirsch as saying in a letter to Chapman's US lawyer, Robert Baum.

Hirsch also said that he was willing to send his top director to Moscow for the shoot.

But a representative for Vivid Entertainment said that Chapman had "no interest in our offer or in adult films."

Hirsch stressed the offer was still open if Chapman decides otherwise.

Chapman was one of ten Russian secret agents arrested in the US earlier in July.

