A case in point is HCL Technologies' Community Service Council's initiative to spread awareness on organ donation in collaboration with MOHAN Foundation.
The new buzz word is corporate social responsibility; but it hasn't been just words, but words followed by action. It has definitely been established that corporate support can help sustain the good work of many NGOs. A case in point is HCL Technologies' Community Service Council's initiative to spread awareness on organ donation in collaboration with MOHAN Foundation.
With the numbers of people with organ failure climbing every year and with the horror stories of organ trafficking emerging every so often, it is imperative that action is taken and taken soon. The need of the hour is to increase the number of cadaver organ donations from brain dead patients. At present, the cadaver organ donation rate in India is a meagre 0.05 per million population. The first step towards rectifying this is to educate and enlighten the community about the myths and realities of brain death and organ donation.HCL Technologies' initiative has given MOHAN Foundation a vast platform from which to do this. Ever since MOHAN Foundation's first interaction with the Community Service Council, the response from the members has been extremely enthusiastic and positive. Following a presentation on organ donation and a day-long interaction at one of the units, over three hundred IT professionals signed up to be organ donors. Recycle yourself and help someone live is now the new mantra for them.